Head Start
Head Start is a federally funded, comprehensive child development program that serves income eligible families with children between the ages of 3 and 5. The Tri-County Community Action Head Start program serves families in Carroll, Coös and Grafton counties.
Head Start Business Office: (603)752-7138
Berlin (603)752-5464
Conway (603)447-5161
Colebrook/Pittsburg (603)237-8190
Groveton (603)636-2625
Littleton (603)444-6022
Tamworth (603)323-9302
Plymouth (603)536-1393
Whitefield (603)837-3026
Woodsville (603)747-4186
Parent, Family and Community Engagement:
The most important member of Head Start is you! Families are asked to participate in all aspects of the program. Some activities include:
- Parent group meetings
- Classroom & kitchen volunteers
- Volunteering from home activities
- Becoming a member of the governing body and participating in Policy Council
Every family in the program will be assisted in increasing their awareness of community resources and services available in their community. Head Start works to build upon the individual strengths of families to meet their own needs. Staff will partner with families to identify goals and assist families accessing resources, developing action steps and meeting those goals.
Education and Early Childhood Development
Head Start believes parents are the primary teachers of their child(ren). Head Start staff work directly with families to develop an individual education program based on the child’s current developmental milestones. Children participate in activities in either a center base classroom or through a home visiting program that enhances their physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Educational opportunities are also available to families, for example child development, budgeting, and emotional well-being.
Child Health & Development
Head Start believes in the early identification of health issues. We work with families to ensure every child completes an annual physical and dental screening by a physician and dentist of the family’s choice. In addition, Head Start completes screenings with children in the areas of speech & language, behavioral, developmental, hearing, vision, height, and weight.
Center Base and Home Base Options
Center Base – Children enrolled in the center base option attend a classroom setting 5 days a week for 4 hours each day. A Family Worker meets with the families at a minimum of 3 times per year to support families in the social services area of the program. Teachers meet with families 4 times a year to identify and plan an individual development plan for their child and track ongoing progress toward meeting developmental goals.
Home Base – Children enrolled in the home base option receive a weekly home visit from a trained home visitor to promote child and family development. The home is seen as the “classroom” and the parent as the “teacher”. The Home Visitor works with the families in the same manner as the Family Worker does in the center base option. There are also group socialization days which occur in a classroom setting 2 times monthly. Families and children attend where children receive a variety of opportunities in a classroom setting and families assist with facilitating activities or engaging in adult education opportunities.
All children enrolled in the Tri County CAP Head Start program are eligible to receive free meals. Head Start sites located in the following locations receive a free breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack each class day; Berlin and Littleton. Head Start sites located in the following locations receive a free breakfast and lunch each class day; Colebrook, Conway, Groveton, Plymouth, Tamworth, Whitefield and Woodsville. The Colebrook/Pittsburg Home Base program children will receive lunch and either breakfast or an afternoon snack depending on the schedule for the each home base social day. For more information regarding the USDA/CACFP program and to enroll your child in one of the Head Start programs please contact 603-752-7138 ext. 204.
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
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