N.H. (PRESS RELEASE) – Tri-County Community Action Inc, (TCCAP) is proud to announce the certification of Jeanne Robillard, Chief Operating Officer of TCCAP and Amy Goyette, Operations Coordinator as Nationally Certified Results Oriented Management Accountability (ROMA) Implementers. ROMA is a national performance model designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of community action agencies that receive Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funds. TCCAP is one of two Community Action agencies in the state of New Hampshire to have Nationally Certified Implementers. Ms. Robillard and Ms. Goyette were part of the first cohort in this national program and are two of only eighty-two Certified Implementers nationwide.
The need to implement a performance-based management system among Community Action Agencies (CAA) and other eligible entities receiving Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) funds has been recognized by the CSBG Network since the early 1990’s. Efforts to adopt such a system were given impetus by the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993. In 1998 the CSBG Act was amended, mandating the implementation of a comprehensive performance-based management system across the entire Community Services Network – which system has been identified as “Results-Oriented Management and Accountability,” or ROMA.
The results of the project to date include evidence of improved administration, programs, and client outcomes as a result of ROMA implementation at all levels of Community Action Agencies. ROMA strategies include increased use of Six National Goals in planning and implementing strategies, improved management of agencies and programs using “results-oriented” principles and practices, increased the ability to identify outcomes and indicators, and improved accountability for collecting, measuring and reporting outcome data.
Ms. Robillard has been with Tri-County Community Action for over 20 years and has served as TCCAP’s Chief Operations Officer for the past year and a half. “ROMA is a very systematic method for measuring the qualitative and quantitative data our programs are collecting and ensuring that the services we provide are meeting the needs of the communities we serve,” said Robillard. “ROMA also provides a springboard for our strategic planning and measuring how we are meeting our strategic goals. It also aligns the agency with anti-poverty strategies that are being implemented nationwide.”
Mrs. Goyette is beginning her 3rd year with TCCAP, serving as the Operations Coordinator for the past year and a half. “ROMA by design proposes a holistic approach with a performance-based management system that identifies and meets the needs of Family, Community, and Agency. It’s truly an exciting time to be part of this great work.”
“Results Oriented Management Accountability is a model that helps Community Action Agencies achieve business accountability while still allowing and encouraging us to follow our vital human services mission. Such models will drive our culture to be responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars by identifying and supporting high-quality programs, ensuring accountability, and investing resources to maximize the positive benefit to our individuals and communities that we serve”, states Robert Boschen, CEO. “Amy and Jeanne both understand and support this approach, so they were natural candidates to lead this process both personally and because of their respective duties and positions within our organization.”
About Tri-County Community Action Program, Inc.
Tri-County Community Action Program, Inc. is dedicated to improving the lives and well-being of New Hampshire’s people and communities. We provide opportunities and support for people to learn and grow in self-sufficiency and to get involved in helping their neighbors and improving the conditions in their communities.
Tri-County CAP is a nonprofit, multi-program agency with many projects and service locations. If you are unable to find the information you need about TCCAP or any of its programs on our website tccap.org, or please call our Central Office in Berlin at 603-752-7001, or call one of our community contact centers located throughout northern New Hampshire. www.tccap.org