Tyler Blain Shelter

The Tyler Blain House Shelter
(603) 788-2344
If you are experiencing an after-hours homeless emergency, please call 211

The Tyler Blain House (TBH) is a temporary emergency shelter for men. It is an ADA compliant home that can house up to 6 individuals and an intact family. TBH guests have independent access to an eat-in kitchen, community food pantry, laundry facilities, and a common area. Food and material goods assistance are provided as needed. On-site staff provide focused case management services to all shelter guests developing individualized service plans tailored to meet their needs for self-sufficiency and permanent housing.

  • Ages Served: Men ages 18+ and children
  • Area Served: Tri-County priority, statewide accepted
  • Program Costs: Individuals with income pay $50 per week (families $70). Towns may be asked to initially support participants coming from their town.
  • Requirements: Must meet HUD’s homeless definition, have no outstanding warrants, agree to house rules including it being a dry shelter, and have no sexual or violent offenses. Shelter guests are encouraged to follow a service plan for self-sufficiency.