Updates to TCCAP Service Delivery as of 3/16/2020 at 7 p.m.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement procedures for Alternate Service Delivery Methods to mitigate the effects and potential spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in our service area and across the state.
In addition to the daily sanitizing of our workplaces, our programs will be operating under these Alternative Service Delivery Models until March 27th or April 3rd. Below you will find a brief outline of any changes and how to contact the program.
1) Head Start: Classrooms are closed until April 3rd and home-based services and visits are suspended. Staff remains available at all sites during this time to provide virtual curriculums and support for all HS families. Meals will be delivered. Call your specific site for details and information.
2) Tamworth Dental Center: Is open for Emergencies Services (acute dental pain) Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for established patients through April 3rd. We will also provide emergency service to patients from other providers that may be closed during this time. Please call 323-7645 for appointments.
3) Fuel/Energy Assistance Services: The program will be conducting phone interviews and virtual appointments through March 27th. Areas where clients can securely drop off paperwork will be available at all locations. Call your local fuel assistance office for information or 752-7100.
4) ServiceLink Coos: The program will be conducting phone interviews and appointments through March 27th. Please call 752-6407 for information.
5) Tri-County Transit: Buses will be running as scheduled. Sanitizing products are available for use by passengers. Call 752-1741 for information and scheduling.
6) Homeless Outreach, Intervention and Prevention: Alternative methods of service delivery for walk-ins and transportation to shelter will be will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. On-going case management services will be conducted using technology. Please call 444-0184 for services and information.
7) Tyler Blain House Homeless Shelter: The shelter will remain open during this time. Persons from outside the TCCAP service area will be assisted to find alternate shelter through March 27th. Emergency plans are in place to respond to shelter guests who become ill. Call 788-2344 for assistance.
8) The Support Center at Burch House: The shelter will remain open during this time for current guests and those in imminent danger of abuse in our service area. Emergency plans are in place to respond to shelter guests who become ill. Other services such as court, medical and police accompaniments will be conducted via technology. The Help Line remains open 24 hours a day at 1-800-774-0544.
9) Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP): Operating as usual with Volunteers following the recommendations of their Service Station. Please call 752-4103 for information.
10) Workforce Programs: Currently, classrooms in the WOIA and WPS programs are being conducted virtually. Please call 752-3500 for information.
11) Weatherization Services: Operating as usual. Please call 326-6626 for information.
12) Guardianship: Both Whitefield and Concord offices are open. Client contacts are being conducted virtually through technology or over the phone until March 27th. Please call 837-9561 for information.
13) Cornerstone Housing North: Operating as usual. Please call 326-6626 ext. 101 for information.
As we navigate the changing landscape of COVID-19 across the state, TCCAP is working hard to maintain the availability of essential services in our catchment area. Our current operational plans may change as we follow the recommendations of Federal, State and Local authorities for best practices. We will post updates as they occur on our Facebook pages and on our website at tccap.org. On behalf of all our staff, thank you for your patience.
Take care.
Jeanne L. Robillard, CEO